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U naše doba svijet živi na internetu. On je postao i jest budćnost dok su ostaci naše prošlosti ostali rasuti na istarskim breužuljcima, diljem slavonske ravnice, skriveni u ličkim šumama ili pak u kamenim kaletama dalmatinskih gradića.

Na ovoj stranici možete se vratiti onamo. Narodnim nošnjama iz bakinih škrinja. Starim vizurama i momentima. Životu kakav je nekad bio. Dobrom i lošem. Jer kultura postoji dok ima za koga postojati.

Croatianheritage vas vraća onamo!


In our time the world lives on the internet. It became and is the future, of while the remains of our past remained scattered on the Istrian hills, across the plain of Slavonia, hidden in the woods of Lika or in the cobbled streets of Dalmatian towns.

On this page you can go back there. Costumes from grandma's chest. Old panoramas and moments. Life as it used to be. Good and bad. Because culture exists when there is to exist for.

The Croatianheritage will bring you back there!

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